Resources for Early Career Astronomers and Astronomy Enthusiasts
This page contains links to useful resources for high schoolers, undergraduates, graduate students, and anyone interested in astronomy. While some sections are specifically tailored to students (see Internships and Fellowships) others contain more general information. I've included some of my favorite space news sites and blogs, articles with career advice, and science tools that I have personally found useful.
- Astronomy REUs
- Space Astronomy Summer Program
- NRAO Research Assistantships
- NASA Internships
- JPL Internships
- National Lab Internships
Fellowships and Funding
- Astrobites list of US Fellowships
- Alex Lang GRFP Blog
- Michael Radke FINESST Blog
- Brooke Owens Fellowship
- Amelia Earhart Fellowship
- Soros Fellowship
- Graduate Funding Opportunities
Applying for Grad School
- Schools offering astronomy degrees
- GRE Requirements by Program
- Email template for potential advisor
- Astrobites guide to graduate school
Job Registers
Career Development
Science Resources
- The SAO Astronomy Encyclopedia
- Astronomy Constants
- Zooniverse Astronomy Projects
- Ned Wright's Cosmology Caclulator
- Andrea Dobson's Intro Astronomy Online Textbook
- Wayne Hu's CMB Animations
Softwares and Coding Languages
Astronomy News and Blogs
Skill Building
- Individual Development Plan
- How to Write a Research Paper
- Writing Introductions
- Networking
- Time Management for Grad Students
Science Gifts and Just for Fun
- Startorialist
- Cognitive Surplus
- xkcd
- Dumb Or Overly Forced Astronomical Acronyms Site (DOOFAAS)
- Science Puns
- Design: HTML5 UP